Gate No. 8, 7, Faizabad Road , Lucknow-226007
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Welcome to Isabella Thoburn Intermediate College

Rich Cultural

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Vibrant College Campus

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Enriching Co-curricular Activities

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Manager's Desk

Dr.(Mrs.) E.S.Charles

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Dr.(Mrs.) E.S.Charles, Manager

Tempor erat elitr rebum at clita. Diam dolor diam ipsum sit. Aliqu diam amet diam et eos. Clita erat ipsum et lorem et sit, sed stet lorem sit clita duo justo magna dolore erat amet

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Principal's Desk

Mrs. K. Masih
(Acting Principal)

“I wish our students all success in their endeavors.”

Mrs. K. Masih (Acting Principal)

Isabella Thoburn Intermediate College, founded by Miss Isabella Thoburn has a legacy of excellence and is committed to promote academic excellence and character building in its students, since 1886. Miss Isabella Thoburn believed that, “the power of educated womanhood is simply the power of skilled service: we are not in the world to be ministered unto, but to minister. The world is full of need and every opportunity to help is a duty. Preparation of these duties is education, whatever form it may take or whatever service it may result”.

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Our Gallery

Welcome to Our Gallery! Explore unforgettable moments.


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