Leo Buscaglia

I have witnessed that change, in myself, in my friends and in those who brought it about, our teachers.

From being a starry eyed college girl to an industry trained manager, from being Ms. clueless to Ms. Farewell, ITPC truly took me on a whirlwind tour of learning.

Learning isn’t flat. It has dimensions and is open-ended. Similarly, there are dimensions to good management whose range goes beyond the pages of textbooks and into the real world and there, we went! Our curriculum consisted not only of words but also actions of compassion , experience and professionalism. We worked on a microfinance project- “the SHE project”, had two industrial visits, volunteered at hospitals and NGOs, gave reviews on their functioning, aided in the efficient management of celebration of numerous local events including International Women’s day with UP 100, participated and won in many intercollegiate fests (IILM, PSIT Kanpur, IT college).
During our tenure We had the good fortune of attending several guest lectures by ace professionals from the largest conglomerates of the country like TATA Motors which groomed us on personal fronts such as confidence building and team building. Our Director, Dr. E.S.charles along with our teachers Charles Sir (guide), Dr. Tulsi Mehta, Vatsala Vinay, Ajeet Kumar, Nishu Jain , Rohan Benjamin were instrumental in our erudition. With their constant mentoring and guidance they truly made us into the professionals we are today.
I personally witnessed the zenith of learning during my summer internship at Big Basket Ahmedabad. The 2 month long internship gave me an overall exposure to industrial activities at the root. The time spent there was employed in self exploration, practical learning, first hand interaction with industry professionals and making good memories.
The world is changing at a rapid pace. While it isn’t entirely possible to know everything that will occur in the future, ITPC worked diligently to prepare us for what is to come. A college education is not the only path, but it is the strongest proven path toward financial stability, job retention and career malleability — and there is no way to put a price tag on that and on especially the memories we made.

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