Excursion Trip: Sigri-Nanital-Jim Corbett

Excursion Trip: Sigri-Nanital-Jim Corbett

The excursion trip to Sigri, Nainital, and Jim Corbett was an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking landscapes and thrilling adventures. Beginning in Sigri, nestled amidst the picturesque hills, the studnets and Facult of Isabella Thoburn College (Professional Studies), Lucknonw embarked on serene nature walks, immersing ourselves in the tranquil beauty of the surroundings. As we journeyed to Nainital, the shimmering lakes and lush forests captivated our senses, offering opportunities for boating and exploration of the charming hill town. The highlight of our trip was the exhilarating safari in Jim Corbett National Park, where we encountered majestic wildlife in their natural habitat, including the elusive Bengal tiger. Guided by experienced naturalists, we marveled at the diverse flora and fauna, gaining a newfound appreciation for conservation efforts. Each destination left an indelible mark on our hearts, igniting a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world, and fostering cherished memories that will last a lifetime.