- President/Manager
- Dr.(Mrs.) E.S.Charles
- B.Sc. Hons, Msc,M.Phill,Ph.d (AMO) LLB (Lucknow)

- Acting Principal
- Mrs. Roma Samson
- B.Ed, M.A.

- English
- Mrs. R. Samson
- Contact No.-8756449005
- M.A., B.Ed
- Mrs. R. John
- M.A., B.Ed

- Hindi
- Mrs. S. Sahai
- Contact No.-9415017380
- M.A., B.Ed, Computer Diploma
- Mrs. N. Masih
- M.A., B.Ed

- Physics
- Dr. (Mrs.) R. Verma
- Contact No.- 9839269930
- M.Sc., Ph.D
- Vacancy to be filled

- Chemistry
- Mrs. R. Singh
- Contact No.-9935026526
- M.Sc. M.Ed

- Mrs. P. Osmond
- Contact No.-9458066500
- M.Sc. B.Ed

- Biology
- Mrs. K. Masih
- Contact No.-9839469879
- M.Sc. B.Ed
- Vacancy to be filled

- Mathematics
- Vacancy to be filled

- Economics
- Mrs. R.Doyle
- Contact No.-9936244134
- M.A. M.Ed

- Geography
- Mrs. J. Singh
- Contact No.-9839171954
- M.A., B.Ed

- History & Civics
- Mrs. C. Wilson
- M.A., B.Ed, Mass Communication

- Physical Eduaction
- Mrs. B. Singh
- B.PEd, M.A.

- Commerce
- Mrs. H. Falls
- M.Com, B.Ed
- Mrs. A.J.Nath
- M.Com, B.Ed

- Office Staff
- Mr. Sanjeev Hemple
- B.Com